Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Into the Great Wide Open

Apologies to Tom Petty and his Heartbreakers. This is new ground for me, but so what? I've got my BS sheepskin tucked under my arm and busting thru the door to grad studies, hoping that in 2010 I add some more letters after my name. Every time I think of BS, MS, etc (Becky is saying PhD!!! What?), I can't help but think of Jerry Clower telling the story of the professor and the chauffeur. You'd had to been there! Anyway, feel free to talk about any and all, but be forewarned to accept what you do and say to be yours. None of this, 'what i meant when i said you were an idiot was....' Say what you mean. Mean what you say. From time to time I'll post things here that I think have relevance to the this blog's mission statement.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Always bringing up Jerry! His stories apply to everything! Hey great picture of you and the babies, I miss you so much and can't wait to see you in Tampa! Keep up the good work, I'm very proud of you, Dad. Love you, Rebcca